Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I have a peculiar passion. Or perhaps, that should read dual passions. I love to write and I love to read. Finally. Finally. Finally, it dawned on me to enmesh the two. I have been waiting for the opportunity to review books, when at long last it finally occurred to me to start my own blog of book reviews! Then, came the task of deciding on a blog name. Book Addict came immediately to mind, because I am one...yet this name had been used, quite a lot actually. So, I thought 'Confessions of a Book Addict', but alas this name was also taken. And then I struck upon liaisons....and I thought why not? I take a book to bed with me every night, plus the title has an exotic and illicit ring to it. So. Welcome to Book Addict Liaisons...feel free to leave comments. If you would like to be a guest blogger and review a book on my site...Do not hesitate to contact me! I am just beginning and alas, there is no way I can pay. However, I encourage you to write for the same reason I read...simply the pleasure of sharing your unique thoughts on a well-loved book or a hated one. Ciao!